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Terms & Conditions (updated 2014)

Project timeline;

  1. Initial draft
    (draft completed to the best of our ability from initial project information.)
  2. Review by you.  
    Here you can tell us to add or change things.  
  3. Updates
  4. Review by you.  
  5. Further updates as needed, and so on.

Updates; we prefer major design updated to be sent within one two/three months

Package after design conditions

After project is completed we offer free updates and maintenance, but this may be limited after a certain number of weeks for large re-designs or work.

Most updates are free for the first several months after design completion; after this updates are charged at average per hour rate. Some contents / small design updates may be free for an unlimited time. Keeping your website hosting online and website monitoring is free if you host with us.  We have the right to say when we stop free services unless pre arranged, including if project was previous incorrectly specified.

Big Budget
After project completion; free limited sized maintenance, updates, etc
4 month
4 months
4 months
4 months
6 months

After completion we may delay updates for days or weeks without notice if deemed not-urgent dueto workload/commitments. However will always do work unless said otherwise.


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